Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I am 25 and I am 5'0 and I weight 117 lbs or so. I have 2 little boys 5 and 6. My oldest was born with Cerebral Palsy.He is just like a big baby..still in diapers,hardly holds his head up.I have to hand feed him ,bath him ,dress him ect. He can not walk or talk either.He is stiff all the time..he takes meds for it but most of the time he solid as a rock ..He is very long and when I carry him his legs are straight out and they hit my knees...He is around 30lbs or so but its dead weight meaning he does not hold himself up in any way. I love my little man so much but I can not carry him anymore.My wrist hurt all the time and my back and knees are killing me.I workout 5 days a week to try and stay fit but my question is ...should I get a nurse to help me with him? I feel like I will fail as a parent if I do..I am so sad..I feel like crying ..I feel like I will let him down in some way...please any advice?????Please SHOULD I GET HELP??ADVICE?
asking for help does not mean your a failure as a parent... it means you are smart. unless you want to have back problems later in like I suggest a home health care nurse or whatever.... most insurances will pay for it. good luck to you! Stay strong! =)

edit: wow about his father. I hope you are getting his sorry *** for child support.... I hate people like that!Please SHOULD I GET HELP??ADVICE?
first off i commend you on taking care of your child on your own and his dad needs his butt kicked

yes you should definatly get help and you can probably get it very easily

if you keep this up you will get hurt and wont be able to care for your son anyway

get help
Asking for help doesn't mean you failed - it means you're doing the best you can for him.
A) dont feel like a failure bc ure admitting you need help with your son. NEVER EVER feel like that. He is 6 years old and you cared for him all his life and your starting to have problems yourself. and you need to be at top game to help your self and ure children so i say you should hire a home nurse to help you out.

B) My little brother has cerebral Palsy and my mother had to hire a home nurse my little brother is 10 years old and she hire Anna(home nurse) when my brother was 7. My mother ended up throwing her back out carring my brother the way you carry your son and she then reliezed she needs help taking care of him. She felt like a failure at first then saw how much it helped. so never feel like this if u dont get anything out of this get that ure not a failure.

*god bless you and hope i helped*
getting a nurse to help a few hrs a day does not make you a bad mother.

i am not sure where you are at but where i live (western ny area) they have what the call special sitter which your child can have and all there are is someone who is trained in this area that will come in and babysit your 6 year old a few hrs a day for you.

also they have special schools in my area to so your son if you wished can go to school.
I think getting some help would be great! You will not be any good to your kids if you injure yourself by overdoing it. Its not a failure to have help, its doing whatever needs done to care for your kids. Think of your other child as well, it must be hard to give him a lot of attention when caring for his brother.

You must be exhausted working and caring for your children, especially since one has special needs. Get some help, take care of yourself! You are great for keeping him with you and caring for him, you sound like a great mom.
please get help... this is too much for you to carry all alone... there are so many programs that could help you with lifting him and carrying. YOU HAVE NOT FAILED!!!!! Think of it as if your son needed to have a tutor, you would get him that help...think of it your tutor to help him and you out.

Your a strong great mother, many mothers do less and give up...so give yourself a pat on the back for doing a great job!!!!
You are NOT failing as a parent if you get a nurse to help. You are being a great parent. It is your job to give you child the best care possible. If getting a nurse to help is going to save you physical and emotional stress then that is what you should do.

My prayers to you are for peace and security in knowing you are the best parent you can possible be.

Good Luck and Many Blessings.
Definitely, definitely get some help. A nurse, some friends, anyone you can. You have not failed if you ask for help. As a matter of fact, you are doing the best thing for your son if you get some assistance so you can be at your best for him, rather than possibly being tired, worn down, and overworked.

I'm so sorry to hear that the dad left. That must have been really hard for you and your family. Stay strong and don't be afraid or ashamed to ask for the help you need. Both you and your sons deserve it.

Good luck.

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