My son wont stay on the potty! I have tried letting him sit on the big toilet with his little portable cushioned one and letting him sit in his potty chair. He will sit like 5 seconds and then he's gone!I have tried giving him books and toys to play with. I even put him in front of the TV and put on Blues Clues (his favorite show!) and hes still up!!! I have tried letting him stand and aim for Cheerios and nothing. I have even tried the rewards system and put him some little toys in a box and whenever he pees or stinkys in the potty he gets to pick a toy out. I dont want to force him and I want him to learn at his own time. I knows when he has to go. He'll hold himself and say Pee Pee mommy and run to the bathroom but he wont stay on it long enough to go and ends up peeing in the floor or in a diaper if I ctach him long enough to put one of him. He's an incredibly hyper child anyways. I'm at my wits. HELP! Thanks!I need some advice as to get my 2 year old to actually stay on the potty and use it!!?
don't get stressed. if you do he'll see it and he'll use the situation as a weapon against you.he may not be ready for it yet so don't force the issue. firstly concentrate on getting him used to the potty. if he does use it, even if it's the smallest of trickles etc offer him loads of praise and affection and tell him how proud you are. if he does nothing on it, don't make an issue out of it. by postive reinforcement he will learn. p.s. don't go down the bribary road, it isn't worth it.I need some advice as to get my 2 year old to actually stay on the potty and use it!!?
pls just let him go without diapers and underwear that way u can spank him if he doesnt potty and pls just hurt his privates if he doest want to dont force him just bring him to boot camp when he is 8...
Maybe give him a drink to hold while he's on the pot. That's what I'm trying with my 2 year old. I also just let him be when he says he has to go I'll take him but I don't force the issue. I want to train him when he's like 4 you just show him and he will know thats what I'm gonna do. As it is he follows me to the bathroom so he should know.
Be sure he is ready.
If you think he is, what I would do is sit with a few books and read to my son. We would try going around every 45 minutes or so.
I would also remind my son of the things he could do when he was a big boy (dry, in big boy underpants) that he couldn't do in diapers. That seemed to motivate him.
Here is a website that has good info. Good luck, and above all, be patient with him!
Sounds like he his not ready yet. Don't rush him into potty training, take you cues from him. Since he doesn't want to sit on the potty, don't make him, just leave it in the bathroom and let him know its available any time he wants to try it. Back off for a month or 2 and then try again and see if he's more interested. My daughter didn't train until 3 and my son didn't train completely until almost 4. Each child is different and pushing a 2 year old to potty train will just wind up being a power struggle between you two. I really don't understand why people think a child HAS to be trained according to a certain timeline - each child is different - I guarantee he'll be trained before its time for him to be in school, so don't sweat a few more weeks or months right now.
My son is 2 as well...he is interested in the potty, because he knows that he gets a treat if he goes in the potty. On the flip side, they need to show an interest in going as well. Boys are the hardest to train, and they have to be ready to do it.
he's not ready! he is showing u he's not ready. When he says, pee pee, say ok, do u want to go in the potty? if he really needs to go, its gonna come out, he shouldnt have to be on the toilet more than a minute, tops.
Ask 100 moms how to potty train a child, and you'll get 100 different answers. Frankly I think the child will use the potty when he or she is ready, plain and simple, but I also believe that you can provide some ';incentives'; to help him get there.
We used M%26amp;M's. Every time our daughter used the potty she would get a couple of M%26amp;Ms. We refused to give her any otherwise. Now that she's potty trained, we only give her M%26amp;M's for going ';stinky'; not EVERY time she goes, because it's sort of turned into a habit, and I';m not necessarily saying that's great, but it DID work.
Also, while we were going through the phase of just pee peeing on the toilet, but not doing stinky on the toilet, our child therapist recommended that if the child goes POOP in the underwear to make the child help you clean it! That'll quickly teach them that they don't want to clean it up, instead of knowing ';Mom or Dad will do it!'; She had to help clean it once and she never had a pooping accident again!
There are some potties that have a bar across the crotch so that the kids can't easily get off by himself. Might want to give one a try.
Good luck!
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He may not be ready for potty training. My son was 3 1/2 before I got him potty trained. But, what I did to potty train both my kids (my daughter was trained by age 2) was to let them run around naked. It gets a little messy but it teaches them when they have the urge. Those pull ups are the devil. They just think they are wearing a diaper. And, underwear are good but my son still pee'd and pooped in them. I also rewarded them with a peice of candy when they went in the potty. We also did a potty dance and sang a song I made up. If you act like a fool they love it.
Have patience.
this is test of your patience, so don't stress yourself out!
With my son, i stayed with him at home for a few weekends, we watched all of his favorite movies all day (i had to watch Lady and the Tramp 3 times in a row), drank and ate all his favorite foods and he sat on his potty every twenty minutes. we played Memory while he sat on his potty. I sang a ';poopie'; song and poured warm water in the potty next to his ';wee wee'; to give him the idea he was supposed to make it wet. Take him to the bathroom with you. I know it's gross but make him see what you are leaving in the toilet so he gets the idea. If his dad is around, make him take your son to the bathroom with him as well. This may take a few weekends to do, but it's all about consistantcy. Congratulate him when he makes it right, don't get mad at him when he doesn't. Every child is different, keep trying different methods. My oldest took two occaisions to pee in his own pants to grasp the idea at age 3, my youngest refused to learn until he was 4. Don't fret, eventually every child gets it. I have yet to see a 10 year old still in diapers without being a special needs child. (and even then, they get it at some point)
Leave him alone, he's not ready yet.
Doesn't sound like he's ready. I tried potty training my son at 2 as well and no matter what trick I tried he just wasn't ready. Then around the time of his 3rd birthday he just started wanting to go. I switched him to underwear and he has been going since then. I would just give him time and if he wants to sit on the potty then let him and be sure to praise him even if he doesn't do anything. Good luck.
give him a few more months!
Buy him real underwear. If he wets them in them. Tell him to use the potty next time. Let him sit in them all day. That will teach him a lesson or two about how to use the potty.
stock up on the larger size diapers, because the little one may be not ready for that step yet. keep trying, and eventually, the kid will get the idea. hopefully, but if bribes and rewards didn't work, then I can hope it's just a matter of bad timing. good luck to you
my first son was potty trained before his 2nd birthday and my second son just got potty trained in February (he will be 3 on June 30th) every child is different and i don't think you should push it on him. they will get tired of being in a dirty diaper. my son finally got to the point that as soon as he pooped he was wanting a change, we used to have to run after him because he was so into his toys and playing. i know it's frustrating but boys will be boys and every child is different. he will let you know when he is ready. make it a big ordeal when he goes and congradulate him and clap and maybe little by little he will be more involved. GOOD LUCK!!
I seriously admire your patience. Try this out. To pee or to potty is direct result of something geting inside our body, which now has to come out. Rather than waiting for your cute child to alert you, won't it be better if you could control these nature calls, atleast for training purposes. Try giving him ample quantity of fluids. It would normally take him 20 minutes to fill his bladder post a handsome intake. You can then be prepared for his short alert. Similarly on food items, for small children it takes around 2-3 hours to digest the food. Depending on his frequecy of food intake you can monitor his potty habits. Once you know when he is going to pee or potty, you can then guide him to toilet. Additionally, rather than TV, Toys or incentives, play light music. Also lemme give a secret out. Take him to his potty and make psssssssssssssssssssss sound for some time. It is a sure shot solution. He would merely pee whereever you want.
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