Sunday, August 22, 2010

Advice on getting my girls to stop blaming eachother for everything they do?

My oldest(9) will say it was her sister - my youngest (5) will blame the oldest. Its a non stop issue and I just cannot seem to make them stop doing it. It can be really stressful

I ask my oldest to clean her room and Instantly it is her sisters fault and vis versa.

I have tried yelling, I have tried talking to them about it, I have kept them apart - separate rooms - I have tried a lot of things nothing seems to workAdvice on getting my girls to stop blaming eachother for everything they do?
My best friend's twin girls did the same thing constantly. This is what she did and it's worked pretty good so far. First off if it's something that has no proof and no one will own up to who is responsible then they both get the equal punishment whatever you deam it to be. However if you know who did it and they don't admit it sit down and explain that you know who did it and since she couldn't be honest about it the consequences will be worse. If whoever did do the ';crime'; comes forward and admits that they screwed up and they're sorry then you cut down the punishment since it's more important to be honest with mom. It's important to talk to them and stress the importance of honesty. Also tell them that you will no longer accept tattle telling or claiming ';I didn't do it'; or it will also have a consequence. It took a few weeks but her 10 yr old girls are much better behaved now. Also more responsible with thier belongings.Advice on getting my girls to stop blaming eachother for everything they do?
I deal with it daily 7 yr daughter 4 yr is very stressful. When they pick on eachother. But it gets bad sometimes. I've done the punishment timeouts etc....after a good ol fashion melt down out (at this point they are both in seperate rooms w/dppr shut) Once cool, calm %26amp; collective and coorperative of both of them they end up comming out of their rooms to say sorry to me for the yelling and fighting in my house and then sorrys to eachother and then I send them to do what they were supposed to do %26amp; help each other out cleaning the room they both made a mess out of then on to the next room to do the same thing.

trust me keep strong with keeping them oldest would scream, %26amp; throw stuff in her room because she said it's his fault he said it was her fault.....and she was getting punished she was so ticked off I just kept the door shut so she can let it all out in the room she now needs to clean up even more She then feels stupid for fighting over something silly and has to face the fact she now has more work to do! Total bummer. It will keep her room cleaned and no fights w/ brother for at least 1 week.

Good luck

ps- my younger one hates the same punishment as well. but will appoligize faster and clean up his room. Because he just wants to be able to watch tv sooner.
Start a new policy. We are a family and are responsible for each other. I am not asking who did and I do not care. When I ask you to clean up or anything you will do it. When a child tries to blame the other give one warning then consequence. I would have a time out chair. Set the timer for 5 minutes and have the child stay their. Up the time if necessary. Make sure they know they are being consequented for blaming the other child. Avoid asking who did something. Make a big fuss everytime one of them does not blame. Good luck.
Tell her you don't care who's fault it is, she's to clean her room or no doing anything fun, no dessert, etc UNTIL it's clean.
put them together for a few days in the same room they can either get along or kill each other and take away extra stuff
Has anyone noticed that once America stopped beating their children, things have just gone down hill from there?
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