Sunday, August 22, 2010

I need some legal advice on how to get my daughter back?

My daughter lives with her dad in AZ.. We have 2 daughters together. our oldest lives with me cause he can't deal with her anymore (so he says). He said he wanted to keep our yungest. Plus I have another little one with my bf. last year before I got my oldest back I got to get them for x-mas then I found out my oldest was exposed to adult content. So i did what any worried parent would do and had both of them check out and called the AZ police as well as the IN. police too. When it was time for there dad to take them back I told him he couldn't cause of what happened. He called the IN. police and they said he has rights to take them cause there legally AZ. resedence. We have not been to court on anything not even for custody. I tell him he can't keep her cause he has no right but when the cops let him take them it really confused me. I want to get my daughter back but I don't know what rights I have and don't have.

Plz some one help me!

Desperate momI need some legal advice on how to get my daughter back?
go to court. simple as that. oh ya, stop having babies until you get your life together. those poor kids are being torn apart. they deserve to have stability.I need some legal advice on how to get my daughter back?
I totally do not agree with this answer. I did stop having babies and my life is together. I can say my life is more together then there father's. Plus I am going to court. I just needed more advice on what I can do to get her now without having to wait to go to court.

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But that's ok none of these answer's helped. I got all my answer's from real legal ppl and found out since he has no DNA proof that there his. I can go there and get her any time and I am going to do just that.

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First thing you need to do is get an atty. If you can't afford one, find the legal aid office in your area. You need to file for custody of both girls. Then you need to get physical custody. If you have not been to court an established custody, then both of you have a shared custody. You can go and get her and the cops cannot make you give her back. If there is no court order he doesn't have a leg to stand on. It would be wisest to at least start court proceedings before getting her. And don't listen to the cops, those bozos usually don't know much about the law anyway. Good luck to you. If you need anymore help feel free to email me.

Wow. If you've not been to court for any actions, then the children belong to you both, and whoever has custody at any moment in time wins. You seriously need legal advice. I suggest you contact the Attorney General in your state and ask what sort of help they can give you. What a mess, dear one. I pray for the best outcome for your children, whomever that may be with.
See a lawyer as they can do what is needed and give the advice that is suitable for your case. Otherwise you may get some advice that will get you in more hot water than you can ever get out of.
You weren't specific what the ';adult content'; was. If was a girlie magazine, R-rated movie, what? You also didn't specify how old this girl is. Can't be too judgemental without more facts
Truth is, you can't get her back. She's as much his as she is yours.

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