Thursday, August 19, 2010

Got any advice on basic military training?

I'm joining the air force soon and I am really excited to go but still a bit nervous. This is huge change, can anyone give any advice on what I will experience and what I should expect. I am working out to get my body ready.Got any advice on basic military training?
I haven't been to basic training for the Air Force, but did for the Navy. One thing that you need to remember that may take some of the nervousness away is to remember that, even though this is a new experience for you, it is not new for the Air Force. Everyone you will meet in the Air Force has gone through what you are feeling right now.

Once you get to basic training, it will seem like it is taking forever. Just take it one day at a time, and before you know it, you will be done. And once it is done, you will look back and realize that it really wasn't that long of time, and it did go rather quickly.

One of the big things they try to teach you in basic is discipline. When you are told to do something, do it. If they tell you to jump, just jump, no questions asked. Don't ask how high. Just do it. And do it to the best of your abilities.

Just think of it as a game. They may yell at you, call you names, and make threats, but it is nothing personal. They do this with everyone. On the first day of basic for me, our Company Commander (I don't know what they are called in the Air Force, but these are the equivalent to Drill Instructors) told us that if we pissed him off, he was not afraid to loose a stripe. Looking back on it, I know he didn't mean it, but when you have 80 guys that don't know what is going to happen to them over the next several weeks, it was pretty effective.

And lastly, GOOD LUCK!! Once you get through it, you will be proud as hell to wear the uniform. It will be an experience you will never forget (for both good and bad reasons), and you will be talking about it for the rest of your life. Even though I did not want it for a career, I'm still proud of what I did and would recommend it to anyone.Got any advice on basic military training?
Here are a couple of links with info to help you out.鈥?/a>


Basic training videos鈥?/a>
Let me say first its been almost 25 years since I went through basic training, a thing or two may have changed since then :) So let me give you some general advice. The first week is the worse because you can't seem to do anything right. Things you took for granted..oh like walking, talking, breathing, eating, you will no longer know how to do properly (according to your Training Instructor) Don't sweat it! It gets better pretty quick. Do the best you can everyday, do as you are told, when you are told and you will be just fine. A positive attitude will help you out a lot. Welcome to the Air Force and good luck to you!
STAY MOTIVATED! It's all about teamwork and team building. They are going to break down your civilian persona, and then build up an airman. No matter what happens, you will get through it, you will be fine. as long as you stay positive, motivated, and dedicated. be someone you can be proud of. Also, yes the working out is a great idea. the better shape you are in, the better prepared you will be and the less you will have to worry about. good luck.
I'm sure it's going to suck. Several weeks of little sleep, lots of exercise, and a grueling schedule. I've not done it myself, but I know people who have.

Just get in the best shape you possibly can before hand, eat right, do lots of exercise, and get plenty of rest.

Remember that it's a few weeks of hard work to prepare you for the career you are hoping for. Concentrate on the goals you have, and the reasons you wanted to join, rather than the few weeks of pain you have to endure to get there.
just keep your head down and be the grey man/woman.

In english give everything your best efffort and also try not to stand out for the wrong reasons. ie dont be late.

Been in the forces is easy turn up early in the right kit smartly dressed and do your job

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