Monday, August 23, 2010

Dudes hate me. I want to work in a comfortable evironment but i get envy.. any advice?

I keep myself clean and smellin fresh, and thats not even to impress the women, its just me. Fresh. But I get dudes staring at me with hate, because women flirt with me. Not even that, even when women arent flirting, I feel hate in the air. Whats really good?Dudes hate me. I want to work in a comfortable evironment but i get envy.. any advice?
just ignore them its not your fault that your so fresh and good with the ladies. maybe offer them some advice and get them out and flirtingDudes hate me. I want to work in a comfortable evironment but i get envy.. any advice?
if you can't get friends that are guys then get friends that are girls....and it ain't your problem, its theirs..... in my own opinion i think friends are suppose to be understanding, kind and diligent to each other, so if those boys are such jerks , well let them be..... cuz you've got your self many friends(girl)...... i know how stupid boys can be EXCLUDING you....... but give them time....later they'll see they need you to be their friend, helper and also to help them with if that's not enough I'll lend a helping hand... i love to make new friends. just drop by if you wanna....see you!!!!!!!!!!
Dont worry about them. are you concerned about what they do with their lives as much as they are concerned with yours.?

Just keep living your life and dont get caught up in pleasing everyone that implies that your not living to thier standards.

live you life, and let them live thiers, even if they choose not to.

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