Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is the best advice for me to get pregnant quickly. besides just to have sex. we already do that and i tak

I have never seen so many horrible, degrading, and just plain rude answers to your legitimate and very reasonable question. I hope everyone on this board reported them and I'm sorry to the asker of this question to have to be subjected to such remarks.

1. To get pregnant, i recommend getting a calendar and just mark the first day of your last period. If you can not remember then make sure you memoralize the first day of your next period. the goal is to track your cycle (to find out when you ovulate).

2. Once you determie this count 14 days forward. plan on having intercourse wiht your husband many times 2 to 3 days beore and after this time frame; however, if you dont' have any issues, you could seriously have sex on the 14th day and most l.ikely become preg but everyone is different. And if it doesn't work this time try the next month. It will happen (it's a biological ability unless something is wrong).

3. If you continue to have issues reach out to you OBGYN.

4. Have fun trying!What is the best advice for me to get pregnant quickly. besides just to have sex. we already do that and i tak
Ask your obgynWhat is the best advice for me to get pregnant quickly. besides just to have sex. we already do that and i tak
ok. first of all sperm live about 24 hours and can live up to 5 days inside of you. at the most you should be having sex every other day because the time in between allows for the sperm to build up to higher numbers and will be ejaculated at a higher force. Once you ovulate the egg must be in the fallopian tube to be fertilized, and that is only about 48 hours. If you have a regular period then you may be able to use a calendar to tell when you are ovulating. First you need to mark when you started your period and calculate when to expect your next period (usually 28 days from the start of your period). Then count back 14 days from the day you expect to start, and that should be around the time you ovulate. Do whatever you can to help keep the semen in there, you can use a pillow under your hips and just throw on some undies and go to sleep (worry about the mess in the AM). Another way is by testing cervical mucous, during ovulation your cervical mucous will be sticky and stringy between your fingers. Good luck, its a lot more complicated to get pregnant than the average person thinks. After a year of unprotected sex if you still arent pregnant then you need to see the doctor, one of you may have a problem.
try this website....
find out when you should be ovulating and make sure you have intercourse on those dates.
after relations, put a pillow under your bottom and stay put for about 1/2 hour so you don't lose any sperm.... also, invest in a basil thermometer (any drug store has them) which can tell you what time of the month you are most fertile and likely to conceive.... it may take a while, so be patient.... good luck
Chart your cycles. Mid cycle is ovulation. Have unprotected sex the 3 days before and including the ovulation date. Some women know they are ovulating by the change in vaginal discharge. When it becomes clear and stringy (like egg whites) it's ovulation time.
When my former wife and I were trying to conceive, there were some issues with her ability to ovulate. So with the help of a specialist, her ovulation cycles balanced out. After more than a year of copulating on schedule according to her ovulation cycle, she still had not become pregnant. I discussed the situation with a coworker who had used the services of an infertility specialist also and he gave me some unique advice. He told me that even with all the medications and ministrations of modern science, the secret to fertilizing the egg still remained the key. Upon realizing there may be a simple gravitational effect in play, he started picking his wife up behind her knees and lifting her up and down to help his sperm use gravity to connect with her egg(s). I laughed at the mental picture of it, but when I told my wife about it, she was all for trying it. So we did. It only took a couple of times and sure enough, she turned up pregnant. I told the doctor who was helping us about it and his response was that he had heard similar stories, all with the same result. So give it a try. What have you got to lose? You'll both have a good laugh and who knows? You just may end up pregnant sooner than you think.
You need to ask your doctor about your ovaltion pattern. And also see if your partner has good sperm. sometimes it may not be you. His sperm count can be low. which mean he wold have to change his diet to increase his sperm count. Also, no need to rush. when you rush nothing goes right
My lady. Try recruiting the entire male population
SEXsex and more sex,,plus you're free to have it unprotected i guess ,,bcz u wanna concieve ,,that should feel so good ...good luck
well, that's the only way. lol. have sex every day for a solid month, make sure he comes in you, and you have to get pregnant! very unlikely that you wouldn't.
go to a donor

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