Sunday, August 22, 2010

Does anyone have any advice for trying to get a job? anything at all?

I just graduated high school about a month ago, I don't want to go to college, at least not yet. I want to find a job but I'm just so nervous about it. I know this sounds stupid, but yeah I never had a job yet so any advice please : )Does anyone have any advice for trying to get a job? anything at all?
First write yourself a resume,don't worry about not having work experience,a resume is not just about your working history, its also about showing potential employers what you can offer them and there business as an employee,showing off your skills and such, you know,selling yourself.

Secondly,cold calling,phone as many business as you can,and just ask if they have anything going,if they say no then ask them to take your details and call you when something comes up.

Thirdly,speculative letters, similar to cold calling but your writing to them instead, ask them if they have anything going,outline your skills and tell them what you can offer there company. Always send them a resume with your spec letter.

Here's a proven trick that will get you some attention from possible employers,offer a days unpaid work trial,they will eat it up.

Good luck with your job search mate.Does anyone have any advice for trying to get a job? anything at all?
If you don't want to go to college yet, try applying for a cruise job. You can have the luxury of traveling different places and meet people while working. if you want to know more about cruise ship jobs visit the link I provided
There are many ways to do this.

Go with your interests. Call jobs in areas you like. If you like plants, try to work for a nursery.

Like animals, try to get a job as a cage cleaner or a dog walker.

Great with people, good phone skills--get an entry level job in customer service.

Great typist---look at data entry.

Can't stand to be indoors? Check the local zoos, amusement parks, and construction crews for outdoor work.

Check career builder, the Sunday newspaper want ads (the printed paper), check monster.

Write a resume. Books in the library show you how to do this.

Network--Ask people if they know who is hiring. A friend of a friend is a great in on a job.

The best jobs never make it to the paper. That's why you network.

Google companies in your area that do what you want to do then email the human resources to see if there are openings. Look for internships. Places to work you way up.

If you have a skill like jewelry making, house painting, wood-working, create your own job.

Babysitting and petsitting can be lucrative but you don't get health insurance.

If you still can't find anything you want to do, think about the Peace Corp. I don't know if you'd qualify but its a thought.
Wow a lot of spam on this page. Well, find something you're good at and then figure out if you can make a job out of it. Make sure you like it to. If you have those two things, you'll make the job the most enjoyable experience it can be. That's all I have. Good Luck
You forgot to mention if you are looking for office or outdoor .

Labor Ready has the outdoor labor stuff

or look in the yellow page for temp staffing agencies ( office )

good luck


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