Monday, August 23, 2010

Can I get some advice on gay dating?

I`m going on my first date ever, and yes with a guy and we met through a gay personals website but i need advice on how to make it a good 1st date as well as future dates with men.Can I get some advice on gay dating?
I am very happy for you! Don't be over confident, it is okay to be shy. I went into over confident and got way over my head. Remember this is exactly like dating a woman, you're both just people he may be as nervous as you. This may sound bad, but are you 100% it is a date not dinner and sex? Trust me, that happens. Just relax a little, take things slow and have very clear boundaries set up in your own mind. P.S Try not to talk too much about you, for lots of people if someone seems genuinely interested in what we are saying we find them very attractive.Can I get some advice on gay dating?
Just be yourself that way you'll know if the guy likes you, just for you. And you don't want to be doing some act just to please someone else.

And of course meet somewhere in public and if you decide to have sex on the first date, use a condom (even if it's not the first date--safe sex always) and don't expect a call back. Not that a long term relationship can't happen if you have sex on the first date...

Some guys just want sex and nothing more so don't feel bad if you have sex on the first date and they don't call you back.
I hope your 'dating site' provided honest, verifiable background information on your 'date'...BE CAREFUL...there's a world of wackos out there...
be yourself and be honest tell him you've never dated a gut before, don't worry most guys would eat that up
Make sure you learn the gay code first.…

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