Sunday, August 22, 2010

Need some advice to get my love life on the right track.?

I have come to a point in my life in which I need that special someone to share my life with. For many years in my younger days I have suppressed my sexualaty. Now that I now know who I am, I cannot seem to find an acceptable avenue to find other like minded people in which to date. I am not into the bar scene, and I do things which I have found very few gay people to be interested in, such as fishing, working on cars, camping, etc. (those who are are way out of my age range) I consider myself to be just a normal guy who happens to be gay, and I am very much so attracted to similar guys, but so few are either available, or even gay! I feel lost; if anyone could give me some tips or have been in my position please help!Need some advice to get my love life on the right track.?
Well my friend; I'm in the same boat as you! I'm thirty and I have ';yet to find'; (Mr. Right). Like you I'm not into the bar scene, I also enjoy fishin', huntin' campin', hikin', etc....It has been a very very tough battle for me as well! I might suggest the internet (unless you have all ready tried). I have met a ';few'; local guys that ';are actually'; into outdoorsy things and are ';real men';. They just weren't my type (physically), but never-the-less it's just suggestion.....Just remember for every ';no'; you get, you'll be one step closer to a ';yes'; to finding Mr. Right! Be paitent!!!!! I know it sucks but just do it! You'll be proud of yourself! Don't let your standards / morals / beliefs diminish just because you haven't found Mr. Right yet, you WILL!!! Best of luck to you!Need some advice to get my love life on the right track.?
I'm in your position right now. All the stuff I am interested in aren't typical gay acivities so i am having trouble finding someone. I am lucky to have a friend who knows a lot of gay people and can hopefully help me out. Hopefully you'll have the same luck.
just be urself and not worry about what others think of u.
go to
hy gay parntners steevie and daveyy here hons 21, we are male modeels, and gay porno stars and nude waiters gay mens bar hons, we met when we were 17 and have been together in a dep dep commiteed relationship and intend on staying that way we are in the proces of adopting a litle korean boy(finalizeed). we never supresed our sexaulity never had too if you dident like the way we were owe well our famlies eventuall , came around brothers sisters the fathers are the worst when it comes too gay sons cming out like fire breathing dragons, okay you have really accepted the fact that you are trully truly gay hons?? realy? okay you are having troubles finding mr right why dont you just visit a gay mens bar hons(if you got one were ecer your att) we know your not in the bar scene if you got a gay mens bar why not just check them out sit downe have a coke?? okay you say that people who share your interests ae older men why not just give one of them a smal chance hons too show your interests cars camping all the above we are into too fishing too hons!! a older man will out last a young buck they just dont know what they wamt when we srarted out we sat downe and hammered out everything and i mean everything!! and just how old are you anyways here? you a top or bottom hons?? you have to sit downe and just talk out your felings with a man who turns you onn and go out a few times nothing sexeaul unless thats what youwant!! we have tons of straight riends other gay couples single gay menn, and lesbian friends here, go too a gay mens bar sit and just observe, start there etc!! we know you feel lost we have hoked up thousands of guys from our nude waiters jobs try it just ounce!! or if you are out on your own find a male borderr to share expenses with start from there!!
witch craft.... they charge, but they can cast spell and make everything great in your life.
If I was available I date ya :) But being I'm not I wish you all the luck, I'm sure you will find someone soon.
Well I sound like your type of man but I have all ready found the love of my life. I think when you stop looking for Mr Right, he will come along. If that makes any sense to you. Be yourself and be true to your beliefs. You sound like a great guy.
Pray and ask God to lead you.Always be yourself and the person that finds you will know the real you for who you really are.Not someone you pretend to be.If you have to pretend to be someone or put on for that person then that person is not for you.

Put on nothing but your clothes and shoes.Make up your bed and continue to be yourself while others wonder whats really going on in your head.

Take this from someone who knows.I've been married before, but being someone I wasn't was hard for me to manage.When I began being myself my husband couldn't take it.Now my new friend enjoys my company.
Try your local gay and lesbian center. Many times they have events and groups for whatever your interests are. Even if you don't find Mr. Right you may find some friends to share your interests. Also, many of the best dates and often the one is met through friends. Good Luck!
ok, since you have chosen that way, there's only one way out: meeting people through your friends.

there is really no other option. so, if you have good friends who are open with you, they must know other gay people. and that's the best people for u to get acquainted with.

in case you don't have, then maybe you are going through a dangerous path wich will isolate you. beware of that

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