Sunday, August 22, 2010

Am going to Egypt in june. Have heard dodgy stomachs can ruin your hols, anyone got any advice what to do?

I always get a bad stomach, so just wondered if anyone has got any tips what to take to avoid itAm going to Egypt in june. Have heard dodgy stomachs can ruin your hols, anyone got any advice what to do?
I have been to Egypt and the Middle East while in the Navy...and I did get sick..

Stay away from eating uncooked items, such as Salad, fruits and grains.

Our American stomach can not handle foreign bacterias as Egyptians can...

Drink bottle water as much as possible

Bring so Amonum AD and Peptobismol, just in caseAm going to Egypt in june. Have heard dodgy stomachs can ruin your hols, anyone got any advice what to do?
been to Egypt many times and had a really bad stomach on one occasion. and a dodgy stomach on several occasions.

the best advice i can give to prevent is wash your hands as often as you can after handling money and anything else you are unsure about. do not eat salad or cold food. Eat only in restaurants where you are sure of the hygiene standards, that is most hotels and good restaurants, but avoid the street vendor style of restaurant or salad bar/ buffet meals. take Imodium with you. only eat fruit that can be peeled dont drink too much alcohol, and make sure you drink plenty of water, bottled only, avoid becoming too hot and heat exhaustion, take sensible precautions and you will be fine. if the worst happens then dont be afraid to get the hotel to call a doctor. They will offer you an injection which will make you feel a little better immediately, also anti biotics that are usually very effective. the cost will normally be well under 拢50.
When traveling overseas,always bring an antibiotic,an over the counter anti-diarrhea medicine such as Pep-to Bismol,or IMODIUM.The pep-to Bismol chew ables are very convenient to carry around.Also grapefruit seed extract in liquid form (dropper bottle) is a natural anti fungal,you can use it for prevention and treatment of stomach bugs,and for washing produce.Personal hand sanitizers are also a must,antibacterial baby wipes,or travel size bottles of Purell.Stick to better quality hotels and restaruants that cater to foreigners and avoid road side stalls as a previous answerer mentioned.Always avoid raw produce you cannot peel,and make sure any water you drink comes from a sealed bottle.

Keep a handy list of doctors names in your pocket book,and steer clear of raw salads,and undercooked meats.

Ginger and Ginger tea or peppermint are also helpful for tummy troubles.

best of luck
I am going to Egypt in June too I was told by a friend who has been there that dodgy stomachs there are mainly caused by the food at buffets because its not covered and protected from the fly and mozzies and also the water use bottled water for absolutely everything,he was there for 3 weeks and had no problems
I took first class train from Cairo to Luxor and meal on train gave me and my son stomach upsets that ruined our holiday so you are right to be cautious.

Use bottled water, even for cleaning teeth.

Try to stick to tinned food and fruit.

Westernised hotels e.g. Holiday Inn and Hilton have ok restaurants.

McDonalds chain is ok

Avoid any food from street stalls, cruise boats and trains

Better to be over cautious than sick

Hope you enjoy your holiday, Egypt is a beautiful place.
although you may be cautious of the food, people never think to be cautious of tap water. in morocco for example they chemiclaly treat it, and becuase im not used to it gives me a very bad tummy. so last year i went i had bottle water every day i was there. and i was fine.

watch out for ice creams and lollypops the water tehy ise is often from taps :)
eat in restaurants / cafeterias that have a recognized name .

take with you medication that would clean an upset stomach .

drink and brush your teeth with bottled water .

have a safe trip.
they tell you not to drink the water that means even when you clean your teeth you dont have to swallow the water it only has to be in your mouth have a nice holiday
I got really good advice. Eat as many lemons as you can get your hands on.
Do not take ice in your drink!
drink only mineral water. don't take ice to your drink, wash fruits and your hand before food

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