Sunday, August 22, 2010

Need To Get Leagal Advice On a California Divorce?

I'm not sure on what to do I've been married for less then 10months and well i do still love my husband but he wants to get divorce. My husband is in the military and well this is the situation. i got married with him everything was good until he ask me to stop talking to certain people wich i didn't and well he end up asking for the divorce. Well he never filled up the paper work and well i left the house because i couldn't take it anymore. He took everything away from me the car he keep everything and well i'm not sure what to do i've spoke to his sargernt major but that hasn't help i know i was suppost to be geeting paid which i never did, i know he got married with me and well he never reported the marriage. I'm not sure if to negotiate with him or go to a lawyer even do i don't have money for one. What can i do?Need To Get Leagal Advice On a California Divorce?
Since he did not report you to the military and you

do not have a military dependent I.D. card I take

it, you can go to any (J.A.G) Judge Advocate

Generals Office, on any military post, show them

the marriage certificate, and they are the legal

representatives of the soldier that is in the military,

and explain to them the situation. They may be

able to get you a dependent I.D. card and explain

to them you went to his Sergeant Major but nothing

was done. As for part of his military pay none is

due to you because that is just the way it is,

however check to see if he was getting

pay with dependents, because if he was then he

reported the marriage and just told you he did not.

If you were living off post with him then he would

be getting seperate rations pay also., because he

is married and living off post, this pay offsets cost

of buying food to support his family. If none of that

works then the only alternative is to get a lawyer

as he seems to have kept you as a secret to the

military and you will probably get nothing from him

through the military, so a civilian lawyer is your

only option. If you have to borrow the money or

ask help from your family then do not be bashful

to do so as he should not get away with having

everything and you nothing just because he is in

the military. Having been in the military for 22yrs

and retired I dealt with many G.I.marital problems.

You have to go forward on this because if you do

not then you will probably end up with nothing

because he can use the military as his escape

route to leave you hanging. Good luck and try the

above first, and if that does not work then you

definately need to get a civilian lawyer. Consulta-

tions fees are a lot cheaper and maybe you can

get some answers that way also. Good luck and

be strong.Need To Get Leagal Advice On a California Divorce?
Go to an attorney!!! Can you borrow money from someone? You're entitled to half of everything, and you won't be able to do it on your own.
Why were YOU supposed to get paid for marrying this guy? Are you thinking about the marriage allotment? That's not payment sweets, that's just extra money for the extra mouth (your's) the military member has to feed and to provide a roof over your head when he gets married. By leaving the house you were living you basically abandonded your marriage which makes him entitled to take everything in that house and do as he wishes with it. Your own ignorance is what has put you where you are now and no one in the military is going to help you now. There isn't much you CAN do now other than wait until he files for divorce based upon your abandonment of the marriage, and don't expect to get anything out of it.

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