Monday, August 23, 2010

Need advice on getting started with Sponsorships for an Academic Year to Japan?

It is my hope to be able to study abroad in Japan for an academic year. I'm 14, and want to do it my second or third year of highschool. To do that, I need a sponsorship, and need to present a convincing pitch to several companies. I need to know what points to make, what they'll want to know, and what companies to go too. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be extreemly helpful.

%26lt;3 :)Need advice on getting started with Sponsorships for an Academic Year to Japan?
While I only went for a summer, there are sponsorships that you can apply for.

I went through Youth For Understanding, and I got a Panasonic sponsorship.

It cost me NOTHING.

The website (below) has a list of scholarships for different situations and lengths of time.

Check it out.

And just ask me if you have any questions. I love answering them for you, and you don't have to deal with ';ZOMG JAPann iz kewl can u take mee?';


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