Monday, August 23, 2010

Who should I go to for advice on getting DNA testing on a deceased ancestor of whom I am an heir?

My ancestor is railroad magnate Mark Hopkins, but the rightful heirs have long been disputed. I would like to see if the debate could be settled once and for all now that DNA testing is available. It would be so expensive, but worth it if I could prove my family are the rightful heirs.Who should I go to for advice on getting DNA testing on a deceased ancestor of whom I am an heir?
Despite lollipop's oh-so-eloquent wording, she is right that an attorney will be needed for this endeavor. And you are right that this may cost a small fortune to pursue. I'm presuming that the manner in which you intend to establish your kinship is by exhuming the body? If so, you need to provide the court a really compelling reason to do so. It is very, very hard to convince a court of this.

Not to mention, if you weren't in Mr. Hopkins' will, what makes you think you're entitled to anything? Did he provide for his unidentified heirs?Who should I go to for advice on getting DNA testing on a deceased ancestor of whom I am an heir?
An attorney -- duh
I have info

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