Sunday, August 22, 2010

I need advice on how to get my pet back!?

I have tryed to get my cat back from my ex, but hes not letting me. My cat was given to me as a present and her microchip is registered in my name. He hasn't taken her to the vets as I've found out. Please can someone help as i miss her and i wont to get her health checked!I need advice on how to get my pet back!?
If the cat is registered to you and your name, you will have to consult an attourney at this point and consider what your options are.

Grab all the paperwork that you have, and file a claim at small-claims court.

You may want to try calling your local humane society as well for ideas/ways that can help. They may be able to take the cat away from your ex legally if you have proof of ownership.

Animal Control works a bit differently then the cops, so your case will definitely take more precedence.

As for the cops, I would go back and file a complaint since legally pets can be seen as property losses.

Hope this helps!I need advice on how to get my pet back!?
I supposed you could always get a lawyer involved.

Can you not appeal to the ';health'; sensitivity of your 'ex';?

Surely your ex is as devoted to your kitty as you are, that being the case, I'd try to appeal to his sense of responsility.

Unfortunately if you left home and left without your cat, well, you may find you WILL have to get a lawyer involved if you want to have access to your cat.

You could sue him for the cat. If the cat is registered to you, you could probably win in small claims court and your ex will be forced to give her back.
Go down to your local police department in person and ask them if they can help you. They may be able to assist you to go to his home and get the cat, especially if the cat is registered to you. Bring proof of this when you go to talk to them. I would try this way before going to court. That way, he has no notice that you and your ';friends'; are going to be paying him a visit.
Most would say this is silly, but I would take him to court. If she's yours. She should be yours.

If I were you, I would do ANYTHING to get her.

The way you're ex is acting....he filed for animal abuse. If he's not giving her what she needs, then he'll be the one to blame.
If you have any Animal Welfare Organizations in your city, enlist their aid. Especially the Humane Society. Since the laws in most states are so pitifully minimal for animal welfare, the police won't do anything, unfortunately, unless she is being abused. You could seek the advice of a lawyer. Is she an outdoor cat at all? If he lets her out at all, perhaps a kidnapping is in order. He actually is neglecting her health, so you could use that against him if you can find an organization willing to look into this. Why is he being a jerk about it. I can't imagine he really wants her, is it a vindictive thing. Do you have anything you can bribe him with, or hold over him to get her back? Do what you have to to get her...I'm sure she'll be alot better off! Good luck
Your cat has been stolen. Try to get the police involved again. If that doesn't work sue him. I would try to steal him back too. Maybe you could pretend to seduce him and trick him and then steal the cat. I know a a bit sick, but I wouldn't let anyone steal my pets
well if shes registered in your name then u can call the police and report the cat as stolen and that your ex stole it
SUE him it's registered under your name and it'll be easy for you and if you do sue him then you can also use that he's not taking your cat to the vet
You know, I had this problem with my ex (this was a long long tme ago). He knew how I loved that cat and he kidnapped him just to upset me (admittedly, he was also quite fond of that cat). Well, I took matters into my own hands and kidnapped the cat back. I don't know about to day, but back then, most people did not understand how intensely we can feel about a pet cat or dog - like you said, people just laugh. I knew no one was going to help me. And I was afraid that if I got the authorities involved, my ex might do something terrible to the cat just to spite me. My ex was impossible to talk to, but perhaps you can talk to your ex?
Call your local ASPCA. Tell them everything! It's their job to ensure the wellbeing of all animals in their area. Especially in a ';Cat Napping'; situation. It's a good thing you had the cat micro-chipped. This is proof of ownership. They will take the cat away from him, and return it to the owner, (ie. you!).

Good luck!

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