Monday, August 23, 2010

Could I get some advice for my car before I go on a road trip?

I'm going to be driving from North Carolina to Chicago with my fianc茅e. We usually take turns driving and just pull into a rest stop to rest rather then spending money at a hotel. Usualy when we've done this,it's been winter, so we've just bundled up in blankets to keep warm.

But now, it's going to be a bit sleeping in the car will be extremely uncomfortable.

My question is...what are a few ways to keep the inside of the car cool without keeping the air conditioning running and rolling down windows?Could I get some advice for my car before I go on a road trip?
Before the days of air conditioning, being a military family we drove across the country several times. We found that it was a good idea to put a few washcloths in the cooler and use it ocassionally to wipe off your face and hands. Kind of refreshing.

A co-worker who live in Maui, said that she would take the kids t-shirts, get them wet, wring them out and they would dry out in the heat and it kept the kids cool the whole time.

Hope this helps.Could I get some advice for my car before I go on a road trip?
battery operated fans, or fans that plug into the cigarette lighter.

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