Sunday, August 22, 2010

Regarding my bbt... could i get some advice?

hello i was just wondering if this is normal. i just starting charting this cycle and im confused. i am trying to be more aware of my cm (quality etc) and taking my temp at the same time every morning. so here is my questions

my temp was pretty steady each morning until a few days ago when it started changing. for example day 10 it was 97.13 day 11 it was 96.91 day 12 97.24 and today 97.37.

i did not have eggwhite cm yet so i dont know if i already ovulate and not realize it.

2. i really dont know how to check my cervix yet or exactly what to look for. i have tried but i dont really know exactly how far it need to check or where exaclty it is. i have read tcoyf and seen the pictures but im still confused.

can you please help

thank youRegarding my bbt... could i get some advice?
1. The temp dip is usually due to the estrogen surge that precedes ovulation, so I would expect that you might ovulate in the next day or so (it is typically CD14 anyway, so that makes sense)

2. Your vagina is about the same length as your middle finger. Try sitting on the toilet or putting one leg up on the edge of the tub and inserting one CLEAN DRY finger inside. Your cervix is like a very small penis shaped dealy-o that lengthens and shortens throughout your cycle and has a hole in the middle (the os) like the hole in a penis. When you're fertile, the cervix is shorter and it is way up at the top of your vagina so you can barely feel it. It's soft like the your cheek and way up high, really flush with the top of the vagina so that sperm can easily slip in there to find the egg. When it's high you can't really find it (I can't reach it any longer)

If you want to feel what low cervical position is, feel it when you're about to get your period and it will be MUCH lower in your vagina and feel more like the tip of your nose. For me it's literally an inch or so long then and I can easily feel the opening and the penis-shape of the cervix

HTH!Regarding my bbt... could i get some advice?
You may not necessarily always have that perfect, stringy, egg-white cm at ovulation - so trust your charting.

As for checking your cervix (you may need long fingers!), around ovulation if you feel far up the back you will feel an ';opening'; which is actually the cervix opening to allow sperm through.

I would suggest that apart from taking your prenatal vitamins, that you go and have some fun with DH :)

Good luck!
You already got a great answer on the cervix, so let me address the temperature. I cannot determine whether or not you have ovulated yet with only 4 temperatures, but it does not look like you have yet. When you ovulate, your temperatures will go up by at least 0.4 degrees. So instead of having temperatures around 97.2 or 97.3, you will reach 97.6 or 97.7. You need to have 3 temperatures at or above the previous six to indicate ovulation and they should be at least 0.4 degrees higher. If you are having a problem interpreting your chart, you might try an online charting site like, and they will do all the hard work for you!

And it is normal for temperatures to fluctuate up and down before ovulation. Completely normal. You will know when the temperatures have gone up and stayed up, it's usually pretty obvious. It does take 2-3 cycles to really learn how to chart well, so you are doing well for a beginner. Hang in there %26amp; lots of baby dust your way!!!

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