Monday, August 23, 2010

Any advice on getting pregnant with endometriosis?

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a couple of years. A few months ago, I had surgery to remove a cyst, and the doctor found that I have endometriosis. The only option that I know of is IVF, but we can't afford that right now. Hopefully someone else can give me some advice!Any advice on getting pregnant with endometriosis?
I don't think there's anything specific to do to try getting pregnant. My friend had cervical cancer AND endometriosis and was told she'd never be able to conceive. But after a couple years, to her surprise, she got pregnant and had a completely healthy pregnancy. The only advice I guess is to stay optimistic and to just keep trying without thinking about it, because if it's meant to be, it will happen.Any advice on getting pregnant with endometriosis?
My friend has endometrosis and had surgery to remove most of it. Currently, she is on a course of meds which forces her body into menopause for a couple month (giving her body a chance to heal and reducing the lining from building up again). Once she comes off of it, she will begin trying to conceive while the uterus is healthy.
I have endometrosis, and it took me and my husband up to right at 3 years to get pregnant. My previous dr told me she thought I had it since I was about 16 year old and ruled it out because I was too young. ( she really made me mad because at that point i was 20 or 21) While seeing this dr they put me on what they call the Lupron shot to force my body into something like menopause it made me where I didn't have a period for 6 months. The only problem with that is the shot is 1800.00 for 1 shot and you get this shot twice. but my dr had a program where I got it for free. The shot is suppose to help decrease the effects of the endometrosis . After being on that for 6 months I came off of it. I ended up switching doctors and she put me on clomid to help me to get pregnant only problem was it didn't help me. But that don;t mean it will not work for you. I ended up getting pregnant on my own and now have a 4 month old as of today. I would talk to your doctor and see what other options you may have.

I hope I have helped. Good luck and baby dust to you

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