Monday, August 23, 2010

Im looking to get better hip flexibility and my center split by the end of summer. advice? tips?

any stretches that worked well for you? what other stretches should i do?

thanksssss %26lt;3Im looking to get better hip flexibility and my center split by the end of summer. advice? tips?
This is what im doing, but you have to be committed if you want this. The first stretch is sitting with one leg stretched out in front of you, and the other bentso your butt is on the ground and your ankle is touching it. then reach for the extended leg and do that for like a minute every day, it will hurt but it should loosen up after the first 30 seconds if you slowly pulse back and forth.

The second is where you bend one of your legs and lay on the ground, with the other leg straigh back, so the folded lag is kinda crossed over the other and your laying on it. then throw your head back as far as possible till you feel a stretch down your quad leg muscle. Do that about a minute.

center splits are the hardest, find a surface like a bed and go down as far as you can, without intense pain, do that until it loosens up one or twice a day. and drink LOTS of water, that really really helps

do it while watching tv or sumthin

good luck!Im looking to get better hip flexibility and my center split by the end of summer. advice? tips?

i am also working on mine.

try doing the wall stretch, you lay on your back either against the wall or on your own, being against the wall will help you with flexiblity more as you can push yourself but being in the centre will help you with strength aswell. put your legs straight up, then split them to the side as far as you can. Hold this for as long as you want, i usally hold this for about 1 song. Then release. Also do some hip stretches, try kneeling on one knee, with the other one bent in front of you and tips your pelvis under you, this should stretch your hips and the front of your legs. Also for splits try lunges and other leg stretches. When you do your splits hold them for about a minute. You should stretche every night, or try to almost every night. You will get there!

good luck.

For the center stretch, you will be able to achieve it more easily if you have both your side splits.

Have one leg out to the side and the other bent at the knee with the toes touching where you extended leg's knee is. Keep the extended leg straight and bend down with the knee facing up and your nose trying to touch your knees. Do this with your foot flexed and then arched. Hold for 20 seconds. Now, from there, turn your torso so that you are looking forward and not down on your knees. Try to align your torso to your leg. Again, flex, arch, hold for 20 seconds. Repeat with the other side.

Then go to a wide, open spaced wall. Face it, open your legs and have the inside sides of your feet touching the wall %26amp; your knees facing up towards the ceilling. PUsh yourself from behind and get your body as close to the wall as you can. Hold for 20 seconds at the least. From there, lean over to one side, facing the wall, then the other side.

Now, move away from the wall, get your legs out as far as possible and reach for one foot then the other--flexed and arched--nose trying to touch the knees then turning your torso so that it's now facing front and not down. Hold for 20 seconds each time. Then go forward, with your knees straight, and try and touch the ground with your nose. Hold for 20 seconds.

All stretches must be held at least 20 seconds, repeated at least twice. Do not ';bounce'; or you'll cause microtears to your muscle. Warm up before any stretching by jogging in place 3 min. Do this routine at least twice a day--once in the evening and once going to bed. You can do it more than twice a day, except the mornings...your muscles are stiff and not stretchy at all.

Good luck =)

You should try and do this
this is going to sound really weird but pilaties.

They made it compulsory at my dance school and everyone got tons mroe flexible almost immediately. Not just centre splits, but everything.

splits on the wall is good for me - lie with your butt against a wall, your legs up it. let gravity pull your legs towards the ground into centre splits.

Concentrate on breathing deeply and relaxing the muscles - it makes an amazing amount of difference.
one good stretch to get your center splits is to lie on your back with your butt up against the wall, with your legs out to the side... like you're in a split on the wall. you wont feel anything at first but hold it for awhile and you will.
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