Sunday, August 22, 2010

Any advice on getting your Wisdom teeth removed?

One of my wisdom tooth is coming in, on the bottom left, and my two tops put pressure on my teeth every so often, so it looks like I might need to have them removed. What is the difference, between having anesthesia and the gas? If any of you can share your experiences, I would appreciate it, because I'm a big baby when it comes to pain. Thanks in advance.Any advice on getting your Wisdom teeth removed?
Well let me explain, it is good that you are planning on taking them out right after they grow, because if you wait longer it will be harder to remove {more pain}.

Anesthesia is used to remove it, most of the pain is taken away and you do not feel it at all when it is being removed.Any advice on getting your Wisdom teeth removed?
i got all mine taken out before any came through because my ortho needed them out as they were impacted (not straight and stuff) so i got mine done by a specialist and he put me to sleep. i felt absolutely nothing and woke up hours later. they gave me heaps of pills after for like sickness and painkillers. i was sick twice the next day i think but that was cause of all the meds. i was advised to continue taking the painkillers even if not in pain because its harder to stop pain once its really painful you know? but i felt no pain at all afterwards but it took a week for me to recover as my face had severely swollen and i had all four of mine taken out. but im also a huge baby, like amazingly so haha ... you'll be fine im sure :)
There won't be pain either way.

I had gas and didn't feel a think but coudl hear it and feel the pressure.

I hear the gas will make your recover faster meaning overall less pain, bbut it takes 24 hours for the drugs to completely wear off. If you take the gas you are good to go in an hour. So if you can't manage to take time off of work or life do the gas.

If you can, being put to sleep is the way to go.
I have the same white knuckle syndrome as you do.

Lucky enough to have a very good Oral Surgeon here.

They gassed me, and I got the needle in the arm to put me out.

I wasn't awake to know if I got shots in the jaw, but think I did.

I work up with this gauze in my mouth but in no pain to speak of.

All I took was 1 pain pill a couple days later when the stitches were burning a bit.

No more after that.

I went back and got them removed and all was fine.

It was really a piece of cake.

It all depends on how good the Dr. is.
dear big baby (just joking)

dude go see a dentist ASAP or the string on the door knob trick

Anesthesia is by needle and gas is inhaled

don't wait to long or you may cause damage to the rest of your teeth getting out of their position.

i had my out in the Army i was out on maneuvers for a week by Wednesday i couldn't eat anything, talk or sleep.

hope you aren't this far gone yet.

be brave and just do it
I never use the gas cause I can still hear and feel what going on, I just can't move.

Local Anesthesia is the only thing I will trust, but both is good too.

I never had to take pain pills for anything other than a headache, but I always have them.

The pain is bearable after extraction.
both are a form of anesthesia, there are different levels of it.

I was knocked out completely when i had my teeth removed.and I was fine. i had very little pain even after all of the stuff wore of and my teeth were impacted. I hope you feel better soon. but it all depends on ur pain tolerance.
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