Monday, August 23, 2010

I really need some advice, how should I get my hair done!?

I have wavy, long, dark brown hair with side bangs. My hair is getting really long and it feels rather dull. I was thinking of getting long layers, some highlights, and some low lights, but I've never gotten my hair colored before, so I don't know how it'll turn out. I was wondering if there is anyone out there who knows what color of highlights and low lights suit really dark brown hair. I'm getting my hair done in about 2 weeks, and it would really help me out.I really need some advice, how should I get my hair done!?
DON'T DO PURPLE, mmk im hoping you weren't gonna do purple anyways but my gf has dark brown hair and highlights it with auburn streaks nothing fancy and looks adorable
  • color cosmetics
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