Sunday, August 22, 2010

Im hoping we can get some advice?

this is our 3rd month trying and also our 3rd baby...its been 8 years since our last!! my last period was sun july 30th ..i started alittle pink..then gradually went to the 31st and so on. 2 days ago when i wiped i had very little like tan on toliet paper. every since there had been nothing! just wet discharge. i have slight and on no constant. breasts are extremely sore alittle darker around the areolas..veins etc. feel like i have been peeing more frequent during the night. and alittle more tired the last 3 days.....thanksIm hoping we can get some advice?
it sounds to me like your pregnat so to be shure go to the store and get a pregnacy test if it comes out positive go to the dr . getting early checkups makes for a healthier pregnacyIm hoping we can get some advice?
Take a test and see.
sounds like you could be take a test or see the doctor
Take a pregnancy test or go see your doctor.
Yep sound to me like ya are go get a test. Good Luck.
I would take a pregnancy test and go see my doctor

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