Sunday, August 22, 2010

Could i get pregnant...?? advice please ?

hi, i just a lil advice i have been trying for a baby for a few months now and still no luck, my last period was on the 23rd october this was only a short one of 3 days very light, then on the 31st i bled again, for about 2 hours, not too sure what this was. since then i had unprotected sex 2nd 3rd and 6th of november is there a chance i could be pregnant? when would the signs start?

thanks :-)Could i get pregnant...?? advice please ?
buy yourself a pregnancy testing kit. just a test using your first morning urine. quite convenient. you won't be confused after that. Good luck!Could i get pregnant...?? advice please ?
if your menses stops next month than think that there are many chances that you will get preg.

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