Monday, August 23, 2010

Can i get ur advice?!?

okay so ive been dating this guy for over a year and things have been really great, but all of a sudden we started fighting over little stuff...every single time we work it out, sumthin happens and things change..i really have a lot of love for this boy, but for some reason i dont know what to do....i just need advice..can u help?Can i get ur advice?!?
the same thing happend to me with one of my ex's..

how do you feel when you argue with him? do you feel really upset inside, or do you just brush it off and start agian?

i used to get so upset and it used to get me down for days, so in the end i just ended it, he wasnt worth the way he was making me feel, at first i missed him like hell, but now im glad i made that choice and i hardly ever even think about him!

hope i helped, and good luck (:

xxCan i get ur advice?!?
Maybe you guys are spending way too much time together. Reduce the amount of time( can't argue with yourself/himself) and the days you spend together ( seeing each other daily is like being married and your only dating remember).Don't respond to every out of place / rude comment . ASK YOURSELF HOW IMPORTANT IS IT REALLY AND WILL IT HAVE ANY MEANING OR EFFECT ON YOUR LIFE NEXT WEEK, NEXT MONTH OR EVEN NEXT YEAR .Sometimes you should just walk away when your button is constantly being pushed. Also tell him just how you feel about all the fighting.Communication is the key.
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