Sunday, August 22, 2010

I find i get stressed out over nothing, I need advice on how to not be as stressed?

I think i care too much about what people think of me,I find i get stressed out over nothing, I need advice on how to not be as stressed?
It's healthy to care about what other people think about you. Everyone should to some degree. However, you need to pick which opinions matter to you, and which opinions don't. For example, I care about what my family, my friends, my boyfriend [[the people close to me]] think of me... as for the rest of the people in the world, I couldn't care less about what they think. You shouldn't obsess over what a complete stranger *might* be thinking of you... when you are probably never going to see that person again anyway.

People are going to talk about you - both positively and negatively. There's no getting around that, because everybody is entitled to form and express their own opinions. So if you can't control it or stop it... why sit there and stress about something you are never going to be able to change? It's a waste of your time and energy. Also remember, too, that you are living your life for you - not for other people.

You're never going to be happy in life by sweating the small stuff. Ask yourself if what you are really stressing about in the current moment is *really* going to matter next week. 9 times out of 10, the answer will be no. Define what's really important in your life - what really matters - and focus your energy on that. When you stop over-thinking things and look at the bigger picture, life becomes better. =]I find i get stressed out over nothing, I need advice on how to not be as stressed?
well you shouldn't. we're all different, there is not one person that is the same. you should feel okay being yourself and unique.

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