Monday, August 23, 2010

Should I get pregnant. ADVICE please!?

I am 21. I was sexually assaulted 9 months ago and I am going crazy worrying what STDs I may have and whether those STDs may have caused infertility. The man put his finger up my vagina and then held me down as he moved it around inside me.

I have genital warts now. Will that cause infertility? I am so worried that I have a high risk strain that will cause me to be infertile!

Also, I am worried about other STDs.

I have not had sex in two years but there is this guy that wants to be my boyfriend. Should I date him then have him get me pregnant so I can have a baby?

I am so worried that I will be infertile so I want to have a baby when I can!

Also, I have Endometriosis which I hear causes infertility so that also makes me worry.

HELP!Should I get pregnant. ADVICE please!?
I think you should go to therapy to work out the sexual abuse you suffered as a child. You may think you want a baby as a ';quick fix'; to happiness. Also, you need a complete gynecological exam in order to evaluate your reproductive health and to check for diseases. You need to sort out yourself before you become responsible for anyone else. I am truly sorry for the hardships you have suffered, and I wish you the best of luck.Should I get pregnant. ADVICE please!?
For one, never date a guy JUSt to have a baby. What if he doesnt want a child. Then where will you be. Go to the doctor and get tested. There are ways to still ahve kids and have an std. If you do have an std that will make you infetile maybe you can freeze your eggs so you will still have a child. I hope I helped.
go to a doctor and get checked for any std's instead of worrying about what you ';might'; have

and no do not get pregnant now you in no way sound ready especially with a guy who you arent even dating yet that is ridiculous

if you are concerned about future infertility talk to a doctor!!!!
first of all, you should have been checked for STD's when the rape incident happened. How could you have worried this long??? GO TO THE DOC! Get yourself checked out for STD's and infertility ASAP. Then take it from there. Dont have sex with this new guy cuz you might not be able to tell who gave you an STD. GO TO THE DOC!!
ur so brave to say that,i ADMIRE u for it

but dont date a guy and make him be a father if he does'nt want to become one

oh and have a check up at the docs to see if u r fertile

best of luck....:****
You should date him because you like him, not because you want to see if you can get pregnant. Why would you ask for advice if you have already made a decision?
Well make sure you tell the guy who wants to be your boyfirend what you have... and see if he thinks you should be pregnant, adn both of you start a family.
go get tested for everything

which you can do at Planned Parenthood
genital warts doesnt affect how fertile you are as far as im concerned...

however the guy who may be your boyfriend to be should know about this, if he doesnt already

sorry to hear that though

I'm srry to hear that!!

The person to ask is a Gona, Doctor!!

Srry, That's All I can say!

Hope I helped you!!!

-Ashley ^_^


well if you know all the responsibilities that come with a child then its ur choice but i would wait because your still young and u still have alot of life left so enjoy it while u can :)
take an infertillit test
wow im sorry.
Wow! ask ur doctor or call a nurse line its confidential
I'm sorry that something that horrible has happened to you. First thing I would recommend to you is go to your physician and get tested for STD's. The genital warts can be treated with meds. As far as the endometriosis goes, it depends on how large the growths are that is a symptom of endometriosis. The doctor can perform a test called a laproscopy to see how big the growths are. If they are large they can be removed surgically, but if they're small they can be treated with meds. Hope this helps.
No because that's no reason to get pregnant. if your just having a baby with this guy for the sake of having a baby then no i don't think you should.but heath wise you can still reproduce unless the doctor says other wise ppl with far worse STDs have kids .AID's so on and so forth and your endometriosis also doesn't make you infertile it can cause it to be difficult but you can still get preg. in fact alot of sites say that pregnancy can help with the symptoms.but for the most part this info was just to tell you that you can get preg. but i would hope you do it for better reason or at least elaborate on what you mean.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want to say a very big thanks to Almighty God for his good deed,i got my tube tied after my first issue,because of the challenges i was really confronted with,i have being desperately to conceive for five years now in which medical and all other means were to avail,till this days when God give his directives to an Africa man called Dr Ologbo an herbalist,through internet baby center. for God says i will direct your part, he had for me with two months pregnancy with myself convintion and doctor confirmation i must shout a big thanks giving shout out for God word is real and Dr Ologbo as well for fulfilling God earthly promises, he is a man to recon with a man with fear of GOD email him or call him for help for any stander out there facing such challenge his via email OR call +23473887808

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