Sunday, August 22, 2010

My grandaughter has spots on her face any good advice on how to get rid of them?

It depends on what kind of spots they are. If it's acne on her face, she could use a medicated cleanser or see a dermatologist. If they're freckles, she's stuck unless she has laser surgery to remove them.My grandaughter has spots on her face any good advice on how to get rid of them?
You need to do some research to find out exactly what is causing them in the first place. Spots can be symptomatic of any number of skin conditions. Using the wrong treatment could make it worse, so maybe a visit to the doctor would be a good idea?

Here's a good visual skin disorders search tool that allows you to search by clicking on the body area鈥?/a> ... it will then take you to a page of images... you then click on the picture that most closely resembles your grandaughters condition %26amp; it will tell you all about the causes %26amp; treatments available. Quite a nifty little search tool !My grandaughter has spots on her face any good advice on how to get rid of them?

It isn't advisable for you or anyone to treat these spots on her face without seeing a Dermatologist first! If you or the girl treats it herself, it could aggravate the condition more!

Also, buy a medical book that you can look up symptoms and there are visual pictures that you can compare to your G-daughter's ';spots'; if you want to do that first before you have her see a Dr. in this field so you can get an idea of a kind of skin condition. Please don't try to treat it yourselves, though! Get her checked out!
How old is she? What kind of spots? Ink? Pimples? Freckles? White ones? Red ones? Purple ones?

You simply do not give any info at all!
wash more often with soap and warm water like everyday or every other day , u can get moisturiser wipes and cream that usualy helps

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