Monday, August 23, 2010

Can i get some advice from men and women???

theres this boy that i've been kind of together with, but not offically, for about 4 months. hes a marine so he doesnt really have that much time for me. but i fell completely head over heels in love with him like i have never everrr felt this strongly about a guy before, even though im only 18. he tells me he wants to be with me, but he still hasnt asked me out and he goes days without talking to me. when were with eachother he loves me but then he wont call me for like days. men are so confusing. hes really confusing but i cant turn back now i am in love with him and its really bad because if i lost him it would kill me like i dont know what i would do. i keep having dreams that he falls for another girl and goes to them and i wake up like crying like it was the worst dream ive ever had and its only about him. he says he wants to be with me and he really likes me but his actions just dont show it. any advice? if your a guy help me understand men lol ???Can i get some advice from men and women???
grow up!!! get a lifeCan i get some advice from men and women???
nope but you can from an alien =P

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