Thursday, August 19, 2010

Get toned advice needed?

I give up. Somebody give me something. I can't buy allot of stuff so protein shakes may not be used. So give a plan. I go to school so I eat school food that's free so figure i eat it




anythingGet toned advice needed?
CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO. Go from doing pushups to jumping jacks to pushups to jumping jacks. Include a lot of multitasking and variation in your workouts. Running is good too but not for long distances..jog for 2 minutes then sprint for 30 seconds jog for 2 then sprint for 30 seconds. Good old fashioned crunches work as well for the abs.

Drink plenty of water and cut out easy things like soda and late night snacks.

For more tips and suggestions check out

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