Thursday, August 19, 2010

I have to go to Court to get joint custody of my 3 girls. Does anyone have any advice for me?

I don't have much money, but will be getting my inheritance soon. As soon as I do, I am taking my ex the court. Does anyone have any advice for what I should be doing in the next couple of months to be collecting evidence to show him as the complete bastard he is. ';I'm sorry, that was wrong, he is the Father of my girls, and he deserves respect.........still a bastard though!I have to go to Court to get joint custody of my 3 girls. Does anyone have any advice for me?
Sorry, but yes you do. My mom is going through the same thing just to get custody of my brother. If your girls stay with him now, make notes of every little thing that goes on that you think is inappropriate. Get someone very close to you that can witness the changes in these children and you should also hire a lawyer.

Hope i helpedI have to go to Court to get joint custody of my 3 girls. Does anyone have any advice for me?
If its not evidence that proves he is an unfit father, then you will fail. A judge will want actual evidence that he is unfit. Is he a heavy drinker,abusive, or what makes him a bad father? Or is this just a case where he just did stuff to piss you off and you want to get even?
The custodial system tends to lean towards the mothers. If there is a good reason that he shouldnt have yer kids, then make a good point and you should win.

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