Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Welsh couple charged with skimming nearly 拢1M from Citizens Advice Bureau; where did they get the idea from?

Could they possibly have thought ';Well, if City Bankers get off with it, why shouldn't we?';A Welsh couple charged with skimming nearly 拢1M from Citizens Advice Bureau; where did they get the idea from?
Hi,its the first time i have heard of that %26amp; its awful stealing from

people that help people in need.There again that's how the fat cats get rich.That couple will be sent to prison for a very long time while the likes of Fred keep raking it in.A Welsh couple charged with skimming nearly 拢1M from Citizens Advice Bureau; where did they get the idea from?
I hate to say it but 拢1m isn't 'big money' in today's terms. I agree that charities should be 'squeaky clean' but when it comes down to it this amount today buys you one four/three bed house in Tower Hamlets or similar areas in London. Which, when you compare to what the city bankers have done is peanuts, it is interesting that we apparently choose to assess the mortgages of the less well-off down to the last 50p to question their ability to remain in their local areas whilst we subsidise property developers with zillions to 'invest' and to break up what still exists of traditional communities for commercial gain.
I haven't seen this yet, but am totally apalled that they have taken advantage of the Citizen's Advice buffs. These folk do thier utmost to help out folk in need and do not need eejits putting doubt in others who need the facility. I have used the CAB twice in my life and both times have been an absolute Godsend. As I understand it, the CAB buffs give thier time for free or tiny amounts of dosh, as they are only interested in helping folk out.. There is absolutely no excuse for trying to fleece anybody, it's dis-honest...
Yes the 拢1million they have nicked will be a crime, but Fred the bank manager who as taken 拢16million get to keep his, Jackie smith the dishonest politician keeps hers, the crime is not stealing from the CBA the crime is not leaving it for the corrupt politicians to steal.
Probably, but this kind of thing is as old as the hills. It's just a shame that they had to sully the good name of the CAB while doing it.
I was`nt aware CAB dished out money. I knew they received grants for the general running of their offices , heating and telephones etc.,, but what money was being stolen to the sum of 拢1m without someone ';noticing';.
They probably tapped into an advice line to the House of Commons,the same one Jacqui Smith,McNulty and the rest use.
They found some New Labour policies and duplicated them.
Probably a Jeffrey Archer novel. :P

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